Some cats will always be on the pickier side, and you'll need to carefully choose foods that appeal to your cats. With careful management, you can keep your cats happy and well fed.
Follow along as we share an assortment of tips that could help you get results.
Check for illness or injury
If your cats are repeatedly rejecting their meals, they might be experiencing a health issue that needs attention – toothache, joint pain, injury and digestive discomfort can all affect your cats' appetite. Make sure you visit your vet as soon as you can to rule out any underlying medical issues that may be related.
Serve an appealing diet
Changing your cats' food can help you find something that they like more. You can choose either wet or dry food, but you may find that wet food in jelly or gravy format is more popular with fussy eaters. When you make food changes, it's important to do so gradually, giving your cats time to adjust to the new food.
Be consistent with the mealtime routine
Create a stress-free, relaxing mealtime routine that will help your cats at ease and dine in the comfort of their own quiet space. Feed your cats in the same place, at the same time each day to reinforce their eating habit, and establishing a schedule can help your cats know when to expect food and get them feeling hungry at mealtime. Real hunger is a stimulant! If your cats have been eating free-choice, begin feeding 2 meals a day.
Choose the right bowl
Cats can also be fussy about a food bowl. Steer clear of food bowls that are small and deep. They usually prefer a wide, shallow bowl so their whiskers don't touch the sides. Experiment with different types and sizes of bowls to see if your cats prefer one type over another. If your cats have arthritis, consider raising their bowl to make it easier for them to reach the contents. Lastly, make sure to keep the bowl squeaky clean.
Limit daily treats
Too many treats can affect your cats' appetite. Treats aren't nutritionally balanced, so your cats won't necessarily get the nutrition they need out of them. If your cats fill up on treats, they'll be even less likely to eat their food, which is where the real nutritional value is. Reduce or even eliminate treats instead and see whether your cats' appetite increases.
Make mealtimes fun
Try hiding pieces of kibble in different locations for your cats to find, or use an interactive food-dispensing toy. Exercise stimulates appetite. Play with your cats before mealtimes. Grab a little bouncy ball or your cats' favorite toy and get them a gym membership!
Source: WebMD
Featured image by Tomas Ryant